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Set up Single Sign-On (SSO) for your organization

Single Sign-On (SSO) is an authentication method that allows a user to access multiple applications with one set of login credentials.

RisingWave Cloud supports SAML-based identity provider (IdP) platforms for SSO.

This article will guide you through the process of setting up SSO for your organization on RisingWave Cloud and logging in with SSO.

Setting up SSO configuration

Step 1: Create a SAML application on your IdP platform

Begin this process by setting up a SAML application on your IdP platform, such as Okta.

During the setup, provide placeholder values for the following fields:

  • SP Entity ID or Issuer or Audience URI

  • Assertion Consumer Service (ACS) URL

Configure the properties below on the IdP platform:

IdP Single Sign-On URLURL of the receiver of the SAML AuthNRequest.
Use a placeholder value initially. You'll get the actual value from your IdP after providing it with the Atlas metadata.
IdP Signature CertificatePEM-encoded public key certificate of the IdP.
You can obtain this value from your IdP. You can either upload the certificate from your computer or paste the contents into a text box.
Request BindingSAML Authentication Request Protocol binding used to send the AuthNRequest. It can be either HTTP POST or HTTP REDIRECT.
Response Signature AlgorithmResponse algorithm used to sign the SAML AuthNRequest. It can be either SHA-256 or SHA-1.

Step 2: Configure SSO on RisingWave Cloud

  1. Go to the Org. tab and select SSO configuration.

  2. Click Create SSO configuration.

  3. Create a descriptive name for your SSO configuration. Enter the SSO URL, select the protocol and signature algorithm you used on your IdP platform, and upload the IdP certificate.

    Create SSO configuration
    If you're using Okta, you can find the values here
    1. Log in to your Okta account and navigate to the Applications section.

    2. Select the SAML application you created for RisingWave Cloud.

      Okta applications
    3. Click View SAML setup instructions.

      Okta applications

      You can find the SSO URL and download the certificate file here.

      Okta SAML setup instructions
  4. Click Confirm to save the configuration.

  5. After creation, a card with the SSO details will be added to the SSO configuration page. Use the AscUrl and Entity ID values from this card to fill the IdP Single Sign-On URL and SP Entity ID / Issuer / Audience URI fields on your IdP platform.

    SSO configuration card
    If you're using Okta, you can find the settings here
    1. In the SAML application for RisingWave Cloud, select the General tab.

      General tab of the application
    2. Scroll down to the SAML Settings section and click Edit.

      SAML settings
    3. Select the Configure SAML tab. Enter the Single sign-on URL and Audience URI (SP Entity ID) values with AscUrl and Entity ID on the SSO configuration card on RisingWave Cloud.

      SAML settings
    4. Scroll down and click Next. Then, Finish.

  6. Switch the toggle on the card to enable the SSO configuration for your organization.

Logging in with SSO

Once SSO is configured for your organization, all users can log in to RisingWave Cloud using their work email addresses and SSO credentials.


  1. On the login page, click Enterprise single sign-on.

    Enterprise single sign-on
  2. Enter your work email and click Log in.

    Sign in with an SSO identity provider
  3. You'll be redirected to your IdP platform to complete the authentication process.